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Організатори конференції: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge English Language Assessment та офіційний представник видавництва Кембриджського університету компанія Лінгвіст
Робоча мова: англійська
Olha Madylus Olha Madylus began her teaching career in a secondary state school in England teaching English and Drama. She has now been involved in YLELT for over 30 years: living, teaching and training in Hong Kong and Venezuela as well as Greece. For the past fourteen years she has been a freelance YL materials writer, consultant and teacher trainer and trains local state and private language school teachers (and trainers) worldwide in countries as diverse as India, Nigeria, Taiwan, Bosnia and Peru. She does consultation, teacher training and teacher trainer training for a number of organisations and schools such as the British Council and is also a Cambridge CELTA and CELTYL trainer. Her focus is diverse, as she is interested in both Young and Adult learners of English, particularly focusing on motivation and challenge as well as the development of literacy in developing countries. For more information visit her blog – www.olhamadylusblog.com Christopher Smith Christopher graduated from Appalachian State University in 2013, with a Bachelor's degree in History. He has always been fascinated by Eastern Europe, so after graduation he moved to Kyiv, completed a CELTA course, and began teaching English. Since then, Christopher has taught a wide range of Cambridge exams, and has also passed CPE, IELTS, and GRE.
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Адреса: м. Чернівці, вул. Коцюбинського 2 Чернівецький національний університет |