VIII Щорічна методична конференція для вчителів англійської мови Cambridge Day 

Організатори конференції: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge English Language Assessment, офіційний представник видавництва Кембриджського університету компанія Лінгвіст.

вул. Канатна, 112, головний корпус Одеської національної академії харчових технологій, зала засідань вченої ради вул. Кіото, 19, Київський національний торговельно-економічний університет, Конгрес хол
Odesareg Kyivreg
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Робоча мова конференції-- англійська

olgamadylusOlga Madylus

Olha Madylus began her teaching career in a secondary state school in England teaching English and Drama. She has now been involved in YLELT for over 30 years: living, teaching and training in Hong Kong and Venezuela as well as Greece.
For the past fourteen years she has been a freelance YL materials writer, consultant and teacher trainer and trains local state and private language school teachers (and trainers) worldwide in countries as diverse as India, Nigeria, Taiwan, Bosnia and Peru.
She does consultation, teacher training and teacher trainer training for a number of organisations and schools such as the British Council and is also a Cambridge CELTA and CELTYL trainer.
Her focus is diverse, as she is interested in both Young and Adult learners of English, particularly focusing on motivation and challenge as well as the development of literacy in developing countries.
For more information visit her blog –

paulcoatesPaul Coates 

Paul was born in the UK. He has spent over 8 years teaching English in Kyiv, Ukraine. In his time working at various schools in Kyiv, he has taught children, adults and businesspeople, both in groups and individually, at all levels of teaching. He also has a lot of experience with preparing candidates for Cambridge English exams. His focus on providing individual tuition has helped him to develop his professional skills, understanding that every student must be taught in a different way. Paul is actively trying new methods of teaching to his students and is always willing to share his own experience.

Під час конференції наші гості матимуть можливість переглянути виставку навчальних та екзаменаційних матеріалів від видавництва Кембриджського університету, а також поспілкуватися з представниками екзаменаційних центрів Cambridge English.

Всі учасники конференції гарантовано отримають сертифікати та гарний настрій!




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